The recertification exams for TRACK Coordinators, TRACK Authorizers, and Vendor Timekeepers consist of questions that cover information from the updates and releases from the past calendar year. All questions are randomly selected from the learning plans that cover this information. To become certified again, learners should be mindful of when their certifications were issued so that they can keep track of which updates and releases are covered in their recertification exam(s).


You have a 30-day grace period after the expiration of your certification to renew it.


For example, if your certification was issued on June 1, 2022, you would be responsible for completing the learning plans for all updates and releases up to June 2023 to become certified. All updates and releases from August 2022 through April 2023 will be covered on the recertification exam, and you would need to take the exam on June 1, 2023. Learners who are seeking recertification are highly encouraged to review these courses in order to prepare for the exam(s). To review for the exam(s), learners may log in to their TRACK University account to watch videos, retake quizzes, and read the Quick Reference Guides located in the File repository.



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